Initiate Programs

Image result for ridesharingEmployers can make it easier for employees to commute to work by alternative modes of transportation by implementing programs or opportunities that provide helpful services and facilities. Employers interested in expanding commuting options might choose to consider the following programs and services.

Employee Sponsored Flexible Commuting Times
 Create a commuter-matching aka ridesharing service
  • Designate a volunteer to serve as coordinator for a rideshare program and to help with the creation and distribution of educational materials to employees.
 Cooperate with other transportation providers
  • And / or work places in the area to provide additional, regular, or
    express service buses or shuttles to the work site.
 Cooperate with the town or city to construct walkways or bicycle routes
  • Install bike racks in a convenient location or designate astorage room for bike parking.
Make arrangements for cyclists/walkers to use showers and lockers in the building or at a nearby facility such as a school or health club.
Offer a Bicycle Commuting Course at the workplace, covering safety tips and skill-building for riding in traffic.
Foster a Bicycle User or Walking Group of interested employees

Example Programs and Resources: