About MAST

The Monadnock Alliance for Sustainable Transportation (MAST) is a coalition of organizational and individual members working to implement sustainable transportation solutions in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire. MAST recognizes the broad impacts that our transportation system has on us as individuals and as communities – everything from our jobs to our cost of living to our health and beyond.

Given transportation’s prominent role in our daily lives, MAST believes a diverse coalition of government, businesses, non-profit and other groups are essential for addressing these transportation challenges.  In order to address these challenges, the purpose of MAST is to be a forum and structural framework to:

  • Build consensus on transportation needs and solutions;
  • Foster the development of local and regional partnerships on transportation initiatives;
  • Provide information about regional and statewide sustainable transportation initiatives;
  • Help individuals and groups locate support for sustainable transportation projects;
  • Connect stakeholders with funding resources and technical assistance services; and,
  • Advocate and educate about sustainable transportation benefits.

To learn more about MAST, check out our 2012-2020 Action Plan.