
The following is a brief list of federal, state, and private websites and programs that can be utilized to identify sources of funding for transportation related activities. Please note that this listing is merely a sample of the resources and grant programs available for transportation funding.

For more information on funding opportunities or if you would like assistance in applying for funding visit Southwest Region Planning Commission’s (SWRPC) website at

Grant / Grant Maker Directories

Fundsnet Services is a fundraising and grants directory for the nonprofit sector. is a comprehensive search directory for identifying and applying for federal grants.

Foundation Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grant-makers and their grants.

Federal Agencies

Federal Transit Administration’s website lists a variety of federally funded grant Programs for transit programs.

Disability.Gov displays a listing of funding sources and resources available for transportation programs.

US Department of Agriculture Rural and Community Development highlights various grant programs available for rural development.

Environmental Protection Agency website provides links to federal funding sources available to state and local agencies for projects relating to transportation and air quality

Department of Energy lists the funding opportunities available with ARRA funding for energy related programs.

Private Foundations

NH Charitable Foundation is the state’s largest funder of NH nonprofits, distributing 3,000 grants each year throughout the state and in bordering communities in Maine, Vermont, and Quebec. Visit their website at to see what the most current program areas are.

The Endowment for Health funds a variety of projects that address the root causes of problems and community needs central to its mission, themes and organizational outcomes. The Endowment’s mission is to improve the health and reduce the burden of illness for the people of New Hampshire – especially the vulnerable and underserved. For more information on the types of grant program areas visit the Endowment’s Grant Center.

The New England Grassroots Environmental Fund (NEGEF) manages a small grants program for grassroots organizations in New England working on community level issues, who represent the most exciting energy in the environmental movement that are not being reached by traditional funders. For more information on this program visit:

The Orton Family Foundation helps small cities and towns in New England describe, apply and uphold their heart and soul so that they can adapt to change while maintaining or enhancing the things they value most. The Foundation promotes inclusive, proactive decision-making and land use planning by offering guidance, tools, research, capital and other support to citizens and leaders.

State Agencies

The NH Department of Transportation (NHDOT) oversees Federal and State programs for funding improvements to local transportation systems. Many of the programs that are municipally managed are overseen by the Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance (P&CA). These programs include:

NH Safe Routes to School– The program is designed to encourage students in K-8th grade to walk or ride bicycles to school.  NH DOT works with local schools, municipalities, Regional Planning Commissions, and advocacy organizations to implement the federally funded national initiative.  Visit the NH Safe Routes to School link for more information on the program.

Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program – The intent of the TE program is to afford an opportunity to develop “livable communities” by selecting projects that preserve the historic culture of the transportation system and/or enhance the operation of the system for its users. For more information visit the National Transportation Enhancement Clearinghouse website.

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program provides assistance for air quality improvement and congestion mitigation projects in urbanized areas which have been identified as not attaining federal air quality standards. There are currently no nonattainment areas directly within in the Southwest Region. Funds can be used for demand management, education and outreach, ride share, transit, bike/ped, etc.

The NH Bureau of Trails provides a listing of funding opportunities to support the development of recreational trails in NH. To learn more about these opportunities visit:

NH Office of Energy and Planning (NH OEP) website provides a listing of current funding opportunities and Requests for Proposals. This directory can be accessed by visiting:

Other Opportunities

Plan NH  – Each year Plan NH invites municipalities to apply for the opportunity to be a recipient of a Plan NH Design Charrette.  A design charrette is a type of brainstorming session in which professionals from different disciplines come together to address a design challenge, whether it be a traffic issue, or a need for gathering space.

The charrettes are conducted by volunteers from Plan NH membership and others appropriate to the project – architects, traffic engineers, landscape architects, real estate professionals, planners, contractors, and so forth. Based on information and ideas heard at a series of listening sessions with the community, the volunteers develop designs, concepts, and ideas.  These designs are presented at a public forum and are incorporated into a final report for the municipality.

Visit to learn more about the Charrettes and how to apply.