Rideshare FAQs and Resources

How to Start?

The Contoocook Valley Transportation Company Rideshare Program provides a list of tips for getting started sharing the ride. Some of these tips are listed below:

> Consider starting out on a trial basis for a month or two.

> Be flexible, carpool or vanpool one or two days a week, or every day.

> Agree to reconsider your arrangements if they do not seem to be working.

> Decide on schedules and pick-up points.

> Agree on waiting times and side trips.

> Divide the driving responsibilities any way you want.

> Agree on rules for the radio, smoking, open windows, car temperature, etc.

> Decide on payment schedules, if needed.

The NH Rideshare program website provides answers to a number of questions about ridesharing in NH. Click here to find out answers to the following rideshare questions and more.

> How much does the NH Rideshare Program cost

> Why should I rideshare?

> What if I don’t have a car?

> I’m already in a carpool, so what can the NH Rideshare Program do for me?

> I live in NH, but I work out-of-state…will NH Rideshare be able to help me?

> Exactly how does the NH Rideshare Program work?

> How much does it cost to park at the NH Park & Ride lots?

> Where are the Park & Ride lots located?

> Can I park my car overnight at NH Park & Ride lots?

The Mid-America Regional Council Rideshare Program website offers the following advice on carpool etiquette.

> Communicate with your fellow carpoolers. If you’re running a few minutes late, call them and let them know.

> If you can’t carpool on a particular day due to a schedule conflict, give your carpool partners ample notice so they can make other arrangements.

> Drive safely at all times.

> Keep your vehicle clean and in good condition.

> Respect any other restrictions the carpool has agreed on, such as smoking, eating or drinking.


> Make a habit of being late.

> Ask your carpoolers to make extra stops along the way so you can take care of personal errands.

> Have lengthy cell phone conversations while you’re in the carpool.

Regional & State Rideshare Related Programs:

> Contoocook Valley Transportation Company

> PATH (Program for Alternative Transportation and Health)

> Seacoast Commuter Options

> Upper Valley Rideshare Program

> NH Transit Association

> VPSI Inc.

> NHBikePed

> GO MAINE Commuter Connections

> MassCommute


> Go Vermont