Municipal Transportation Fund Subcommittee

Flexible and local funding for transportation alternatives!


Alternatives to the passenger car have relatively little support through Federal and State funding sources.  New Hampshire communities have the option to charge an additional fee, up to $5, to be used towards a transportation fund per NH RSA 261:153 VI.  The fund can be used to support biking, walking, transit, as well as traditional infrastructure and maintenance.  Although cities and towns have had the option to charge the fee since 1997, currently only three communities in the Monadnock Region make use of the fee.  Recent research has demonstrated the value and success of the few in other areas of the State.  However, local barriers, success, and value has not been evaluated.  Creation of a municipal transportation improvement fund has the potential to improve both local and regional transportation options.

Project Description

MAST has expressed an interest in learning about both the successes and challenges of municipal transportation improvement funds in New Hampshire, as well as public opinion.  The Municipal Transportation Improvement Fund sub-committee will take a lead role in this project and report back to the MAST Steering Committee on a quarterly basis.  Potential work tasks include direct outreach to communities that have adopted or decided against the fund, as well as an assessment of public opinion of the fund in the Monadnock Region.  These tasks would require developing and implementing a survey or interview procedures and summarizing the information in a report.  The sub-committee will identify action steps to educate municipalities or other interested groups in Southwest New Hampshire about the transportation fund.

Time Commitment & Time Frame

The expected time commitment is about three hours per month.  This includes one hour per month spent in sub-committee meetings, and 2 hours per month outside of meetings.  The project will start in January of 2017 and conclude in December of 2017 (12 months).

Meeting Schedule

Past Meetings: